24/7 Emergency Services

Fire & Water Damage Restoration in Orion, MI

Did disaster strike your property? Reach out to Concraft; the proven professionals for expert restoration service in Orion and throughout other cities in Southeast Michigan. Our expert restoration team has helped homeowners in Southeast Michigan for more than 30 years, helping people recover from devastating storm & fire damages as well as water and flood damages.

Professional Restoration for Your Property in Orion

Concraft is the industry leader in restoration services as years of experience have enabled us to gain more knowledge about restoration and help us work effectively, and more productively. Whether it is the aftermath of a fire disaster or flood from water damage, Concraft can help you restore your property with great craftsmanship and make your house look brand new.

Our restoration is the work of experts and craftsmen who have unique techniques and procedures to achieve fine renovative results. We use advanced machinery to accurately measure, lift, and rebuild your structural damages. From renovating a luxurious condo and restoration a 5-star hotel to repairing burst pipelines in a single-family home, we do it all. Let us help you bring your property back to its free-loss condition in no time.

24-hours Emergency Response Team

Here, at Concraft, we know disasters and accidents can happen any moment without any warning, leaving you with lots of problems and damages to look after. We can aid you immediately. Our restoration team is available 24/7 for every day in a year to be able to help at any given hour. Trust Concraft when you face an emergency and need immediate attention, Call us now.

Contact the Proven Restoration Experts in Orion

Facing destructive forces of nature and incident? Looking forward to repairing the damage? Whether you need water damage repair, fire damage restoration, mold remediation, storm & flood damage repair, disaster cleanup, or bathroom overflow solutions, Concraft is here in your local area to help. We are just a call away, Contact us online or call now at 248-265-3438.

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February 22, 2019 | Orion Township, MI

After a drunk driver struck a home in Orion Township, Concraft handled the cleanup and restoration efforts at the home. The kitchen had to be completely rebuilt. Our crews saw nothing but rubble on arrival and cleaned up the situation. Then, we rebuilt the damaged kitchen. click here to watch report on Drunken Driver Crashes Car

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